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alberta1, 35
Klube linksminuos :))) Alberta 35 alberta1 Pasislepus uz berniuku :)  Alberta 35 alberta1 Alberta 35 alberta1 Alberta 35 alberta1 Nusikaltele :(( Alberta 35 alberta1
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First Name: Alberta
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Birth Date: 20 Kovo 1989
Sex: women
Seeks:  no one
Purpose:  Penpal
Height: 160-165 cm
Education: High school
Body Type: A secret
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Interests:  Night clubs, Movies, Music, TV / Radio, Politics, Fashion, Travelling, Fishing / Hunting, Bullshiting, Mushrooming
Occupation:  Journalism, Fashion Modeling
Languages:  Lithuanian, English
Music:  Lithuanian, Russian, Old good, House, Hip hop / Rap, RnB, Latino, Cicinas & friends
Additional Info: 
Find what you love and ..... love what you found [c13]
Nickname: alberta1
Member from: 31 Spalio 2005
Last Access: 23 Balandžio 2010 14:09
Emails Sent 90 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1590
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Tercas, TeRCas,
TeRCas, 37
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Karolis, klebas, London-becton-Kaunas
klebas, 34
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Audrius, slawe, Kaunas
slawe, 34
Vytis, tweek, ?
tweek, 35
Russian Federation,
Tadas, Dealer, Kaunas
Dealer, 39
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