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wooly, 39
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First Name: Arturas
Country: Lithuania
Last Login Country: Netherlands
State / Region: Klaipėdos
City: Klaipėda
Birth Date: 13 Kovo 1985
Sex: men
Seeks:  women, friends
Purpose:  Escort
Height: 181-185 cm
Education: High school
Body Type: Athletics
Eye Color: You will like it
Hair Color: Other
Salary: 501Lt - 1000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Auto / Moto, Healthy life style, Night clubs, Movies, Music, TV / Radio, IT / Internet, Cooking, Pets
Occupation:  Other...
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian, German, Martian, Polish, Spanish, Italian, French, Latvian
Music:  Lithuanian, Russian, Old good, POP / Dance, House, Hip hop / Rap, Rock, Classic
Additional Info: 
nieko neiskau... [b16] rasinejuos tik kas draugu sarase [b7]
Nickname: wooly
Member from: 25 Liepos 2006
Last Access: 10 Balandžio 2012 23:02
Emails Sent 71 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1189
Friends' comments
Posted: 25 Rugpjūčio 2006 01:40
Sitas SRAIGIUS yra laimejas daug medaliu ir visokiu spalvu !! :D
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Vincelis, Chyh_Pyh, kilkenny-klaipeda
Chyh_Pyh, 38
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Trugdiz, 41
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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