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Randy_Boy, 37
Randy 37 Randy_Boy
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First Name: Randy
Country: Iceland
Last Login Country: Iceland
City: Reykjavik
Birth Date: 18 Vasario 1987
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Casual dating, Short term, Sex, Socializing, Escort
Height: 191-195 cm
Education: Master
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Auto / Moto, Healthy life style, Night clubs, Movies, Music, TV / Radio, IT / Internet, Cooking, Religion
Occupation:  Sports, Music, Police
Languages:  English, sinhala
Music:  POP / Dance, House, Hip hop / Rap, Rock, RnB, anything whats hits me
Additional Info: 
Had to tell ya that I’m really feelin your style
Gotta tell ya that I’m really feelin your smile
Staren right into the beautiy of ya profile...
Nickname: Randy_Boy
Member from: 21 Rugpjūčio 2006
Last Access: 14 Gruodžio 2011 03:33
Emails Sent 70 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1015
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