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Chaz, 44
Chaz 44 Chaz Chaz 44 Chaz
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First Name: Chaz
Country: United Kingdom
Birth Date: 17 Rugsėjo 1980
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Casual dating, Short term, Sex, Long term, Socializing
Height: 176-180 cm
Body Type: Very sexy
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Movies, Travelling, TV / Radio, Cooking, Photography, Literature, Art, Healthy life style, Sex, Auto / Moto, Racing, Motorbikes, Sports, Shisha
Occupation:  Medical Science, Marketing, Arts, Other...
Languages:  English, punjabi
Music:  Bhangra
Additional Info: 
I had forgotten all about this site!
Visited Vilnius in 2006, it was great, we still talk about it today as one of the best places we have visited. Good Times!
Hope its not changed too much.
Check us out on Instagram @Kayu_Gallery
Nickname: Chaz
Member from: 25 Rugpjūčio 2006
Last Access: 5 Rugsėjo 2015 17:22
Emails Sent 341 Responsiveness 88% Account Views 1746
Friends' comments
Posted: 5 Spalio 2006 10:13
he is so cute, sexy, hot, lovely, sweet person mhhh
kiss :)
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Modesta, Emilytia, London
Emilytia, 37
United Kingdom,
Ernesta, Ernestax, Kaunas - London
Ernestax, 35
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Kaunas - London
Exotica, padukusi_mergycka,
padukusi_mergycka, 36
United Kingdom,
Jolita, dzolita, Leigh
dzolita, 87
United Kingdom,
Marta, Kaaramelle,
Kaaramelle, 36
United Kingdom,
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