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tuje, 97
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First Name: Tuje
Country: Iceland
Last Login Country: Lithuania
City: kur smirda zuvim
Birth Date: 2 Gruodžio 1926
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Penpal, Socializing
Height: 181-185 cm
Education: Ph. D.
Body Type: Athletics
Eye Color: Hard to describe
Hair Color: Depends on mood
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Sleepwalking, pats sau direktorius
Occupation:  Sailor
Languages:  nelabai suprantu jus apie ka cia :)
Music:  padainuok pats...
Auto: zaz tiuningas :)))))))
Nickname: tuje
Member from: 30 Rugpjūčio 2006
Last Access: 30 Liepos 2010 22:15
Emails Sent 12 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 226
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