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BlessedVisage, 37
Samantha 37 BlessedVisage Samantha 37 BlessedVisage Samantha 37 BlessedVisage Samantha 37 BlessedVisage
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First Name: Samantha
Country: United States
Last Login Country: United States
State / Region: Maine
City: ME
Birth Date: 19 Birželio 1987
Sex: women
Seeks:  men
Purpose:  Penpal, Long term
Height: 160-165 cm
Education: Unfinished college
Body Type: Athletics
Eye Color: Hard to describe
Hair Color: Brown
Interests:  Movies, Music, Pets
Occupation:  Other...
Languages:  English
Music:  POP / Dance, Rock, RnB
Additional Info: 
I'm a half breed Lithuanian, but i'm proud of it. I don't speak the language, but I'd love to learn it. I'm looking for people of similar heritage to get to know.
Nickname: BlessedVisage
Member from: 4 Spalio 2006
Last Access: 20 Balandžio 2011 02:41
Emails Sent 11 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 458
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