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taurasss, 41
pyraga kertu Tauras 41 taurasss
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First Name: Tauras
Country: Jamaica
City: moy
Birth Date: 10 Gegužės 1983
Sex: men
Seeks:  friends
Purpose:  Penpal
Height: greater than 205 cm
Education: Ph. D.
Body Type: Heavy
Eye Color: Huge
Hair Color: Multicoloured
Salary: less than 500Lt
Interests:  Collectable
Occupation:  Geology
Languages:  Polish, Latvian
Music:  Lithuanian, Russian, Country, Euro Beat
Nickname: taurasss
Member from: 18 Lapkričio 2006
Last Access: 27 Balandžio 2013 15:58
Emails Sent 20 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 492
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