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Best time to change position ;) Zolushka 39 STELLLA olialia mergaites Zolushka 39 STELLLA Before British Fashion awards 2010 Zolushka 39 STELLLA Roma Cinema festival 2010, Odeon Zolushka 39 STELLLA Fast and mad girl :P. The race star Zolushka 39 STELLLA Moscow never sleep :DDD Zolushka 39 STELLLA Hot hot hot Zolushka 39 STELLLA
Best time to change position ;)
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First Name: Zolushka
Country: Switzerland
City: Zurich
Birth Date: 20 Rugpjūčio 1985
Sex: women
Seeks:  men, friends
Purpose:  Penpal, Casual dating, Short term, Marriage, Long term, Socializing
Height: 176-180 cm
Education: Master
Body Type: Lean
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Auto / Moto, Healthy life style, Night clubs, Music, Literature, IT / Internet, Cooking, Art, Politics
Occupation:  Finance, Economics, Sports, Arts, Psychology, Lawyer, Other..., Geography
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian, German, Polish, Italian
Music:  Russian, House, Rock, Classic, RnB, Latino, Electro, Techno, pagal nuotaika
Auto: moto
Additional Info: 
One man
and its two eyes
tears in the eyes of ten
One hundred tears feelings
a thousand thoughts feelings
and in the world millions same people ...
But I want just ....
Member's school info:
City: Vilnius
School: American International School of Vilnius
Graduation Year: 2004
Nickname: STELLLA
Member from: 26 Lapkričio 2006
Last Access: 7 Sausio 2012 07:03
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Trugdiz, 42
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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