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Emos_Rocks, 35
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First Name: Amazing
Country: United Kingdom
State / Region: England
City: Ten kur tawes nera...
Birth Date: 15 Liepos 1988
Sex: women
Seeks:  friends
Purpose:  Penpal
Height: 166-170 cm
Education: Other
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Hard to describe
Hair Color: Depends on mood
Salary: 2001Lt - 3000Lt
Interests:  Movies, Music, Fashion, Travelling, Photography, Bullshiting, Chatting with XxAgNyTiAxX !!!
Occupation:  Retail/Sales, Other...
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian
Music:  Russian, Rock, RnB, Euro Beat, Indie/EMO bands rocks!!!
Additional Info: 
Member's school info:
City: Šiauliai
School: Šiaulių Santarvės vidurinė mokykla
Graduation Year: 2003
Class: 8b
Nickname: Emos_Rocks
Member from: 21 Sausio 2007
Last Access: 24 Lapkričio 2011 21:02
Emails Sent 753 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1381
Friends' comments
Posted: 19 Rugsėjo 2007 17:25
Myliu shia mergaite uzh jos neapsakoma shiluma,uzh nenusakomo aukso shirdele,uzh jos parama,uzh jos geri ir nuoshirduma,uzh jos toki nerealu zhmogishkuma ir atwiruma ;*** myliu ja tokia kokia inaj yra ;** <33
Member's friends list
Agneee, XxAgNyTiAxX, Vilnius
XxAgNyTiAxX, 32
United Kingdom,
Vusal, Visalas, Kaunas
Visalas, 36
Michal, eldar, Australia(Perth)
eldar, 34
Russian Federation,
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Trugdiz, 41
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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