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Pancho, 34
Kur tu????:D Simon 34 Pancho Simon 34 Pancho Simon 34 Pancho Simon 34 Pancho Simon 34 Pancho
Kur tu????:D
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First Name: Simon
Country: Ireland
Last Login Country: Ireland
City: Dublinas
Birth Date: 9 Rugpjūčio 1989
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Penpal, Casual dating, Short term, Long term, Socializing
Height: 181-185 cm
Education: Other
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Sly
Hair Color: Black
Salary: 3001Lt - 4000Lt
Interests:  Movies, Music, Literature, Cooking, Art, Science fiction, Collectable, Pets, Travelling, Photography
Occupation:  Marketing
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian, Polish
Music:  House, Rock, Country, Classic, Latino, Euro Beat
Additional Info: 
Hmm, papildoma informacija, apie save, kad as esu toks kaip ir visi[b15] Nu turiu truputely skirtumu, negeriu ir nerukau, bet siaip megstu viska kaip daugelis[b7] Gal dar tas, jog kiti mano as truputely isprotejas, bet mes esam visi skirtingai isproteje, tad nesiskaito[c16] Gyvenu Dublino kraste, dirbu, poilsiauju kai laikas leidzia, megstu nuveikti kazka nutruktgalvisko, aj dar galeciau daug ir daug pasakoti, bet jei sudominau, parasyk[f23] Papasakosiu daugiau, ko nepaminejau[d1]
Nickname: Pancho
Member from: 26 Spalio 2007
Last Access: 28 Spalio 2010 12:21
Emails Sent 7 Responsiveness 100% Account Views 1260
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