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radz, 44
Radz 44 radz Radz 44 radz Radz 44 radz Radz 44 radz Radz 44 radz
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First Name: Radz
Country: Sweden
City: växjö
Birth Date: 3 Gegužės 1980
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Penpal, Casual dating, Short term, Sex, Long term, Socializing
Height: 171-175 cm
Education: Bachelor
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Interests:  Sport, Auto / Moto, Night clubs, Travelling, Sex, Photography, Bullshiting, Sleepwalking
Occupation:  Medical Science
Languages:  English, Latvian, swedish
Music:  POP / Dance, RnB
Additional Info: 
Know that you are intrested in me:I presume that im an a person with perfect blend of both joy & sorrows.I bind myself to the words "To love is not be great but to be loved is to be great". I like clubbing,socializing,music & many more things. Im on my way trying to find some more people who have some commoness with me.. Sex is not the only thing im living for but some times its part of life..
you are always welcome to drop few lines to know more abt me....[b9]
Nickname: radz
Member from: 19 Lapkričio 2007
Last Access: 7 Gegužės 2015 05:19
Emails Sent 636 Responsiveness 100% Account Views 1263
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