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elkml, 40
Laura 40 elkml Kaunas Laura 40 elkml Kaunas Laura 40 elkml Kaunas Laura 40 elkml Kaunas Laura 40 elkml Kaunas
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First Name: Laura
Country: Lithuania
State / Region: Kauno
City: Kaunas
Birth Date: 15 Rugpjūčio 1984
Sex: women
Seeks:  friends
Purpose:  Penpal, Casual dating, Socializing
Height: 166-170 cm
Education: Bachelor
Body Type: Lean
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Salary: 3001Lt - 4000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Movies, Music, IT / Internet, Pets
Occupation:  Marketing
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian, French
Music:  Lithuanian, Russian, Old good
Additional Info: 
linksma, draugiska, supratinga visada respekt:)[b17]
Member's school info:
City: Pasvalys
School: Pasvalio r. Joniškėlio G. Petkevičaitės-Bitės vidurinė mokykla
Graduation Year: 2004
University/College/Technical School info:
Institution: Kauno kolegija
Faculty: Verslo vadybos fakultetas
Graduation Year: 2008
Group: vv5/3
Nickname: elkml
Member from: 6 Spalio 2008
Last Access: 21 Rugpjūčio 2010 17:29
Emails Sent 4 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 610
Friends' comments
Posted: 15 Rugpjūčio 2010 02:56
hey..[b6] [b7] [e1] [f37] [f17] [f34]
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