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mashha, 93
jusu atžvilgiu koke aš.... Masha 93 mashha Vilnius ai pričiupo truputuka..... Masha 93 mashha Vilnius mua Masha 93 mashha Vilnius sexy..... Masha 93 mashha Vilnius princese♥ Masha 93 mashha Vilnius siu oksaniuku Masha 93 mashha Vilnius atostogos su savo mazium. Masha 93 mashha Vilnius
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First Name: Masha
Country: Lithuania
State / Region: Vilniaus
City: Vilnius
Birth Date: 31 Gruodžio 1930
Sex: women
Seeks:  friends
Purpose:  Penpal, Socializing
Height: 176-180 cm
Education: Technical school
Body Type: Very sexy
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Nondescript
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Night clubs, Movies, Music, IT / Internet, Fashion, Pets, Travelling, Photography
Occupation:  Dancer, Homemaker
Languages:  Lithuanian, Russian
Music:  Lithuanian, Russian, Electro
Additional Info: 
esu masha blandynka nepagalvokit kad aš tikrai ne fyfa....
pabendrausit pamatysit[e3] [e10] [f84] [f84] [f84] [f84] [f84]
Nickname: mashha
Member from: 24 Balandžio 2010
Last Access: 13 Liepos 2010 12:43
Emails Sent 9 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1885
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Valentinas, walka, Širvintos
walka, 36
Brigita, _barbea_, Vilnius
_barbea_, 31
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