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nastiuxa, 35
Anastasija 35 nastiuxa Anastasija 35 nastiuxa Anastasija 35 nastiuxa Anastasija 35 nastiuxa Anastasija 35 nastiuxa Anastasija 35 nastiuxa
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First Name: Anastasija
Country: United Kingdom
State / Region: England
City: London
Birth Date: 5 Sausio 1989
Sex: women
Seeks:  no one
Purpose:  Socializing
Height: 160-165 cm
Education: Other
Body Type: Very sexy
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Healthy life style, Music, Fashion
Occupation:  Sports, Dancer, Tourism
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian
Music:  Trance
Additional Info: 
Member's school info:
City: Akmenė
Graduation Year: 2008
University/College/Technical School info:
Institution: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Faculty: Vadybos ir ekonomikos
Study Year: 2010/2011
Course: 5 course
Graduation Year: 2010
Graduation Year: 2010
Nickname: nastiuxa
Member from: 23 Rugpjūčio 2010
Last Access: 22 Gruodžio 2010 20:11
Emails Sent 50 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1714
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