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Dantheman81, 43
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First Name: Daniel
Country: Sweden
Last Login Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
Birth Date: 2 Balandžio 1981
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Casual dating, Short term, Sex, Marriage, Long term
Height: 166-170 cm
Education: High school
Body Type: Athletics
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Interests:  Sport, Healthy life style, Night clubs, Movies, Music, Travelling, Sex
Occupation:  Other...
Languages:  English, little swedish
Music:  Old good, House, Rock, Jazz / Blues, Trance, Lounge, Soul
Additional Info: 
ok, well i am from Australia but living in Sweden.. I love to travel, love to be with my friends and enjoy life.. if you like the look of me then i would love to here from you!! ask me something, lets see if we click? xx[d11]
Sveiki ..
Gerai, gerai, aš esu iš Australijos, bet gyvena Švedijoje .. Man patinka keliauti, patinka būti su draugais ir džiaugtis gyvenimu .. jei jums patinka man atrodo tada aš norėčiau, kad čia iš jūsų! paprašykite manęs kažkas, leidžia pamatyti, jei mes paspaudimą? xx [d11]
Member's school info:
Graduation Year: 1998
Nickname: Dantheman81
Member from: 22 Gruodžio 2010
Last Access: 24 Gruodžio 2010 12:59
Emails Sent 69 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 1038
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