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zebbar, 53
Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar Nourdine 53 zebbar
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First Name: Nourdine
Country: Algeria
Birth Date: 6 Balandžio 1971
Sex: men
Seeks:  men, women
Purpose:  Socializing
Height: 171-175 cm
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Salary: less than 500Lt
Languages:  English, French
Additional Info: 
I was raised to say please and thank have respect to say excuse me and sorry when it's needed...and to love people for who they are...not for what i can get from them...I was also taught to treat people the way i want to be treated!
Nickname: zebbar
Member from: 15 Spalio 2011
Last Access: 1 Lapkričio 2012 03:07
Emails Sent 6 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 831
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