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bulmute, 41
Bulmute 41 bulmute Bulmute 41 bulmute Bulmute 41 bulmute Bulmute 41 bulmute Bulmute 41 bulmute Bulmute 41 bulmute
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First Name: Bulmute
Country: Ireland
Birth Date: 22 Gruodžio 1982
Sex: women
Seeks:  men, friends
Purpose:  Socializing
Height: 160-165 cm
Body Type: Lean
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Languages:  Lithuanian, English, Russian, Italian
Auto: Audi A1
Additional Info: 
Ieskau simpatisko,protingo ir nepriklausomo vyro smagiai leisti laika,pramogauti, keliauti,draugauti..( strictly no foreigners !!!)
Ir man reikia tiek nedaug- tik svelnaus zodzio,siltos lovos ir absoliucios valdzios.
Nickname: bulmute
Member from: 9 Liepos 2012
Last Access: 20 Kovo 2013 03:13
Emails Sent 0 Responsiveness 0% Account Views 2031
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Натали - О боже какой мужчина (новинка 2012) слушать
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Trugdiz, 42
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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