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lovelyn1, 42
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First Name: Love
Country: United States
State / Region: Alytaus
Birth Date: 17 Lapkričio 1981
Sex: women
Seeks:  men
Purpose:  Penpal, Casual dating, Short term, Marriage, Long term, Socializing, Escort
Height: 166-170 cm
Body Type: Athletics
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Salary: more than 10000Lt
Languages:  Lithuanian, English
Additional Info: 
i am a nice lady that needs a handsome and caring man
in my life who will always be truthful and honest to me
with love and care
Nickname: lovelyn1
Member from: 31 Gegužės 2017
Last Access: 31 Gegužės 2017 13:10
Emails Sent 0 Responsiveness 100% Account Views 306
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