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cheersbrian2, 56
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First Name: Cheersbrian
Country: United States
State / Region: Marijampolės
Birth Date: 26 Vasario 1968
Sex: men
Seeks:  women
Purpose:  Marriage, Long term, Escort
Height: 171-175 cm
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Salary: 1001Lt - 2000Lt
Languages:  English, French
Auto: wrking
Additional Info: 
I am someone who is thoughtful,passionate, loving,faithful,sweet,open about my feelings and what is on my mind for discussion,respectful,affectionate, giving,strong personality,knows what I want out of life and goes out to get it.I am caring, optimistic and want to treat my woman very special and make her feel safe and protected.I would very much like to create a beautiful and healthy family with love,happiness and respect.I am someone who likes to live a healthy and happy life and enjoy everything the world has to offer and share this with someone special.
Nickname: cheersbrian2
Member from: 23 Liepos 2017
Last Access: 23 Liepos 2017 15:26
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