Autorius My Book Champers The Kid That Did.

Champers, 52
Įrašai: 4
 Parašyta: 26 Balandžio 2010 05:26
Im an author in England Check out my book.

Champers the kid that did

By Shane J Lloyd

Let me know what you think. I am trying to get a book signing in Lithuania soon so if you know any bookshops which will allow me to please let me know I have always wanted to Visit Lithuania its beautiful and so are the people !

[b15] Thanks xxx

Champers, 52
Įrašai: 4
 Parašyta: 27 Balandžio 2010 14:19
[quote='Champers']Im an author in England Check out my book.

Champers the kid that did

By Shane J Lloyd

Let me know what you think. I am trying to get a book signing in Lithuania soon so if you know any bookshops which will allow me to please let me know I have always wanted to Visit Lithuania its beautiful and so are the people !

Here is the link to my book Enjoy!!!

[b15] Thanks xxx[/quote]