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ADKristina, 38
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Nome: Kristina
Paese: Lithuania
Stato / Regione: Vilniaus
Città: Vilnius
Data di nascita: 15 Gegužės 1986
Sesso: women
Cerca:  friends
Proposito:  Comunicazione
Altezza: inferiore a 160 cm
Costituzione fisica: Robusto
Colore degli occhi: Altri
Colore dei capelli: Biondo
Lingue:  Inglese
Informazione supplementare: 
Hello everyone, Im here to make some friends and establish some contacts while in Lithuania... Ive been here for a little over a moth and would like to have some friends to go out with and maybe travel to near by countries. If you are laid back, happy and have positive outlook in life, get in touch, i would love to get to know you and become friends.
I would like to meet some people who are visiting Lithuania, i prefer to socialize with foreign visitors, no hate for the locals, but i find foreign people more exiting and easy to communicate with.
Please write if you are stranded and alone like me, we can get to know Vilnius together . ..
Latest blog posts:
- Friends !!! (0) 2013-10-05 18:23
Soprannome (nickname): ADKristina
Membro da: 3 Spalio 2013
L'ultimo accesso: 5 Lapkričio 2014 21:49
Messaggi di posta elettronica inviati 0 Frequenza di risposte 0% Il profilo è stato guardato 1306
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Žaidimas "Pakibink"

Trugdiz, 42
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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