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conqueror, 39
Conqueror 39 conqueror Conqueror 39 conqueror Conqueror 39 conqueror
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Vardas: Conqueror
Šalis: United States
Paskutinio prisijungimo šalis: Turkey
Valstija / regionas : Arkansas
Gimtadienis: 15 Gegužės 1985
Lytis: vyrų
Ieško:  moterų
Tikslas:  Susirašinėjimas, Laisvalaikio praleidimas, Trumpalaikiai pasimatymai, Seksas, Vedybos, Rimta draugyste, Bendravimas
Ūgis: 171-175 cm
Kūno tipas: Atletiškas
Akys: Rudos
Plaukų spalva: Juoda
Kalbos:  Anglų, Turkish, turkish
Papildoma informacija: 
[_] go out with me?
[_] give me your number?
[_] kiss me?
[_] let me kiss you?
[_] watch a movie with me?
[_] let me take you out to dinner?
[_] let me drive you somewhere
[_] take a shower with me?
[_] have a fling with me?
[_] let me buy you a drink?
[_] take me home for the night?
[_] Would you let me sleep in your bed?
[_] Sing karaoke with me?
[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[_] give me a piggyback ride?
[_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of petrol in
the middle of nowhere
[_] have a relationship with me?
[_] Dance with me?
[_] Let me make you breakfast?(I can cook btw)
[_] Spank that arse?
[_] Help me with homework?
[_] Tickle me to death?
[_] Let me tickle you?
[_] Stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] Carress my body?
[_] Play strip poker with me?
[_] Say yes if i asked you out?
[_] Get wasted with me?
[_] Instant message me?
[_] Greet me in public?
[_] Hang out with me?
[_] Bring me around you
Nickas: conqueror
Narys nuo: 16 Gruodžio 2004
Pask. prisjungimas: 22 Liepos 2013 23:04
Parašyta laiškų 4433 Atsakomumas 0% Anketa peržiūrėta 2209
Draugų komentarai
Komentarų nėra
Draugų sąrašas
Sandra, sonyxe, Kazlų Rūda
sonyxe, 36
Kazlų Rūda
Agnyte, MaZytee004, Klaipėda
MaZytee004, 35
Agne, hmz, Vilnius
hmz, 37
Mante, ManteXe, Kaunas
ManteXe, 35
Sunshine, Sunrise07,
Sunrise07, 36
United Kingdom,
Alve, Sharka_patarshca, Guildford
Sharka_patarshca, 89
United Kingdom,
Aurelija, aurytee, Vilnius
aurytee, 36
Vera, Smalsia, london
Smalsia, 40
United Kingdom,
Aušra, Venni, Birmingham
Venni, 40
United Kingdom,
Egle, melllllynake,
melllllynake, 35
United Kingdom,
Edita, EEdita, Vilnius
EEdita, 38
Urte, Urtyte, Šiauliai
Urtyte, 35
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Trugdiz, 42
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