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BetterMan, 44
Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan Betterman 44 BetterMan
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Vardas: Betterman
Šalis: Lietuva
Valstija / regionas : Kauno
Gimtadienis: 2 Spalio 1979
Lytis: vyrų
Ieško:  moterų
Tikslas:  Laisvalaikio praleidimas, Vedybos, Rimta draugyste, Bendravimas
Ūgis: 171-175 cm
Išsilavinimas: Bakalauras
Kūno tipas: Vidutinis
Akys: Rudos
Plaukų spalva: Ruda
Pomėgiai:  Sportas, Auto / Moto, Sveikas gyvenimo būdas, Filmai, Muzika, TV/Radija, Kolekcionavimas, Kelionės, Seksas
Profesija:  Medicina, Sportininkas, Valstybės tarnautojas
Kalbos:  Lietuvių, Anglų, Rusų, Vokiečių, Latvių
Muzika:  Lietuviška, Rusiška, Senos geros, Pop/Šokių, House, Rock'as, Progressive, Techno
Papildoma informacija: 
I'm a fun and adventurous man who lives in New York City and loves it. I am a romantic and intelligent individual who has a variety of interests. My strongest assets are my heart and my ability to listen and to love. For me, beauty is all about possessing a wonderful, rich inner world and having a clear, independent mind. A little bit more about myself... I'm interested in sport, photography, design, music and all kinds of visual arts. I love creativity and talent. I am a gentleman and have a healthy lifestyle.
I am looking for someone to share the tender moments with. Someone to keep warm in the wintertime with. Let's balance each other out and compliment one another just right. I'm a peaceful soul that craves adventure and a woman with intensity and grace. I'll look for you in your eyes. Compassion is important to me as I value trust and honesty. Someone very kind is lovable. Sweetness is very sexy, and if you can throw on top of that maybe a shimmer of thigh in the afternoon sun, o
Nickas: BetterMan
Narys nuo: 18 Rugsėjo 2006
Pask. prisjungimas: 13 Balandžio 2015 23:16
Parašyta laiškų 1857 Atsakomumas 0% Anketa peržiūrėta 1493
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Trugdiz, 42
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