Norime pranešti, jog portalas yra uždaromas nuo 2024-08-22 dienos
Комментарии друзей

Karolis, 39
Написано: 5 февраль 2008 14:37 viskas tik todel kad ji unreal ir fainas zmogutis... ;)

Tom, 34
Написано: 21 апрель 2007 22:41
Nu va.. pazystu ja ilga laika ir niekad comment neparasiau apie ja.. cia bus pirmas (ir paskutinis, j/k =D)...
Shes always nice to be around, never pisses anyone off (well not me at least) for all those fucking years.. NEVER pissed me off once :D. Always cares for her friends,(That New year 2007.. brings back the memories..oh yeah...) I got loads of respect for her as a friend for this girl, so treat her nicely! >=D.

Sonny, 34
Написано: 10 февраль 2007 02:39
ok ok listen now .. this is the story .. ermm.. obiovsly there is no story about her but i will make on .. ofcourse with true facts :D ... so first of all shes very cool as sis' ... secondly fun and crazy about partying ... but i mean like not crazy .. but CRAZY CRAZY!!!111... anyway ... what was i saying is that she newer stops laughing .. its sort of disease .. no medication for it ... but i think its good .. coz it makes another people laugh ... point is ... there is no point .. erm actualy is .. im trying to write all letteres here .. and there is left 30 letters .. ok no more . PEASE OUT.
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Игра "Флиртуй"

Trugdiz, 42
Kaip plaunate grindis ?

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